• Memorias Imaginadas, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 390 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 390 cm.

  • Memorias Imaginadas, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 390 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 390 cm.

  • Memorias Imaginadas, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 195 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 195 cm.

  • Memorias Imaginadas, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 130 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 130 cm.

  • Memorias Imaginadas, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 130 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 195 x 130 cm.

  • Memorias Imaginadas, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 89 x 130 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 89 x 130 cm.

  • Memorias Imaginadas, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 33 x 82 cm.

    Memorias Imaginadas, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 33 x 82 cm.

  • Exhibition view Memorias Imaginads in the Galeria Maior Palma, 2016

    Exhibition view Memorias Imaginads in the Galeria Maior Palma, 2016

Imagined Memories is the collective title of my latest works on which I have been working for the last 6 years, using various media: painting, drawing, photography, collage, object and installation.
The expression and presentation of this series of work which, even though the idea and title are the same, vary depending on the material used or the chosen locations' actual space.
This series is based on memory, connected mainly to my professional memories and private recollections that flow constantly through my thoughts; some of these cause me to question them ... and the relationships between them ... without passing judgement on them, as occurs with other people, I suppose.
Usually these images from memories or recollections, which come and go constantly within me like a diffuse monologue, are very entertaining. Rethinking their causes or circumstances, during that era or at that time and reconsidering them, adapting them as closely as possible to the current aesthetic, is an exercise that helps me to observe and clarify many issues.
So my involvement, aided by experiences gained over time (although being older does not guarantee anything), seems to and does produce a fresh and different feel than that which is usually contemplated.
This work, from monologue to monologue, traversing or drifting through time gone by and finding new situations, is a joy for me. Although, seemingly, it could turn into excessive self-absorption, this is not the case.
Even so, to think that this exercise of updating past moments, even if only real in my mind in the spirit of imagining memories and recollections, gives me the feeling that I am preparing... a future memory ....? ... Could that be possible?


Individual exhibitions (since 2000)

Memorias Imaginadas, Galeria Maior, Palma, Mallorca.

Memorias Imaginadas, Galeria Maior, Pollença, Mallorca.

Memorias Imaginadas, Galería Maior, Palma de Mallorca.
Memorias Imaginadas, Palacio de Cristal - MNCARS, Madrid.

“Show Windor “La Aurora Gallery, Murcia.
“Dos Tiempos – Dos Paisajes “(Two Times - Two Sceneries), CAA (Alcobendas Art Centre), Madrid.
“Memorias Imaginadas “(Imagined Memories) - Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.
“Memorias Imaginadas “(Imagined Memories) –Altxerri Gallery, San Sebastián.

“Memorias Imaginadas” (Imagined Memories) Evelyn Botella Gallery, Madrid.

“Amarillo Trasparente” (Transparent Yellow), RMS – LA ASOCIACIÓN, Madrid
Alfredo Viñas Gallery, Málaga.
Altxerri Gallery, San Sebastián.
Maior Gallery, Palma de Mallorca.
Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.

FORO SUR ’06 Cáceres, Helga de Alvear Gallery’s stand, Madrid.
Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.

- Show Windor -   Sala Luzán, Zaragoza (catalogue). 
Manuel Ojeda Gallery, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.

Helga de Alvear Gallery, Madrid.
Maior Gallery, Palma de Mallorca.

BARJOLA MUSEUM, Gijón (catalogue).
Obra gráfica y Múltiples Artium (Graphic works and multiple Atrium), - Basque contemporaneous art museum centre, Vitoria.

MACUF- Union Fenosa Contemporaneous Art Museum, A Coruña (catalogue).

Homenaje a Sajazarra (Tribute to Sajazarra) - Sajazarra Town Hall, Rioja (catalogue).
Show window – Fine Art Circle, Madrid.


Collective exhibitions (since 2005)

“Para Chicas y Chicos “(For Girls and Boys) Ediciones Ginkgo, Alcobendas, Madrid.
Art Centre               
Arco ´14 Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.

“La Colección expuesta (2013 – 2014) “(The exposed collection) Juan March Foundation Museum, Palma d Mallorca.
“Monocromáticos”, (Monochromatic) Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.
“Collection VIII – La disfunción Del Progreso” (8th Collection – The dysfunction of progress) CA2M (Dos de Mayo Art Centre), Madrid.
Estampa – arte múltiple (Stamp – multiple art) 2013 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s stand, Salamanca.
Estampa – arte múltiple (Stamp – multiple art) 2013 Madrid, Maior Gallery’s Stand, Palma de Mallorca.
“EL ARTE DEL PRESENTE “(Present Art) Helga de Alvear Collection, Cibeles Culture and Citizenship centre, Madrid.
“Sobre Papel “(On paper) Visual Art Centre, Helga de Alvear Foundation, Cáceres.    
“Pintura – Pintura“(Painting-Painting) Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.
“Ediciones de Gallery Ginkgo (Ginkgo Gallery Editions) / 1989 – 1998”, La Panera Art Centre, Lleida.
Arco ´13 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s stand, Salamanca.
Arco ´13 Madrid, Altxerri Gallery Stand, San Sebastián.
“Tirar del hilo.”(Pull the thread) Project.   ARTIUM Collection, ARTIUM, Vitoria.
“CONSTRUYENDO UN UNIVERSO PROPIO “(Building our own universe)
ACB   Collection, Villa Iris / Botín Foundation, Santander.
“JUEGO DE LENGUAJE. Una introducción al arte de nuestro tiempo “, (Language games. An introduction to the art of our day)
CAV Helga de Alvear Foundation, Cáceres.    
RMS The Association, Madrid. 
Arco ´12 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s stand, Salamanca.
Arco ´12 Madrid, Maior Gallery’s stand, Palma de Mallorca.                                                                                          
“Aproximaciones I, Arte Español Contemporáneo en el colección Helga de Alvear” (Approaches I, Contemporaneous Spanish art in the Helga de Alvear Collection)
Helga de Alvear Foundation, Cáceres. 
“Legado Mordó Alvear” (Mordó Alvear Legacy), San Fernando fine arts RA, Madrid.
Art Moscow ´11, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.
Art´11 Santander, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.
Arco ’11 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.    
Homenaje – Nacho Criado (Tribute to Nacho Criado), Formato Cómodo Gallery, Madrid.

Art ’10, Santander, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.
ART COLOGNE ’10 Altxerri Gallery’s Stand, San Sebastián.
Arco ’10 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca. 
Art Chicago ‘09,  Altxerri Gallery’s Stand, San Sebastián.   
Alfredo Viñas Gallery,  Málaga.
Art Salamanca’ 09, Adora Calvo Stand, Salamanca.
Arco ’09 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.
FORO SUR ’09 Cáceres, Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.
Josep María Civil Collection, Gravina Fine Arts Museum, Alicante.
Art Santander ’08, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Santander.
Art Salamanca’ 08, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.
Arco’08, Adora Calvo's Stand, Salamanca.
“Versos” (Verses) Manuel Ojeda Gallery, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Circa ’08 Puerto Rico, Adora Calvo Stand, Salamanca.

Art Salamanca’ 07, Stand Adora Calvo, Salamanca.
ART COLOGNE ‘07 Palma de Mallorca, Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca.
ARCO’ 07 Madrid, Adora Calvo Gallery’s Stand, Salamanca.
Expansiones implosivas – Derivas de la escultura en la Colección CAB (Implosive Expansions – From the CAB sculpture collection)
Villa de Madrid Cultural Centre.

“El arte sucede. Origen de las practicas conceptuales en España, 1965 – 1980”, (Art happens. Origen of conceptual practices in Spain)
KM – Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebastián.
ARCO´06 Madrid, Helga de Alvear Gallery’s Stand, Madrid.
Manuel Ojeda Gallery, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Diversidades Formales (Formal diversities), CAB –Ceja de Burgos Art Centre. 
Art 37’06 Basel, Helga de Alvear stand, Madrid.
S Murai + M Miura - Plaza Odette Gallery, Morioka, Japan.
Art Salamanca’ 06, Adora Calvo Stand, Salamanca.

ARCO' 05, Helga de Alvear Gallery’s Stand, Madrid.
Lenguajes y Sentidos (languages and senses) - CAJA DE BURGOS Collection -Municipal Hall, Pasión Museum, Valladolid. 
"Homenaje a Sandra Rodríguez" (Tribute to Sandra Rodriguez), CRUCE, Madrid.
ACENTOS - en la Colección Caja Madrid - Pintura Española    
Contemporánea (Accents – in the Caja Madrid Collection – Spanish Contemporaneous Painting), Sala de las Alhajas, Madrid.
“El arte sucede. Origen de las practicas conceptuales en
España, 1965 – 1980” (Art happens. Origen of conceptual practices in Spain)
MNCARS –National Reina Sofía Museum Art Centre, Madrid.
“Permanencias difusas” (Diffuse permanencies)
CAB –Caja Burgos Art Centre, Burgos.


Permanent collections
- Pamplona City Hall.
- Banco de España, Madrid. 
- National Library, Madrid. 
-'La Caixa' Collection, Barcelona. 
- Caja de Ahorros de Avila.
- CAB –Caja de Burgos Art Centre.
- CAAM - Atlantic Centre for Modern Art Las Palmas.
- Spain’s National Telephone Company.
- Alicante Provincial Council. 
- Granada Provincial Council. 
- Juan March Foundation, Madrid.
- Artium – Centre, Basque Contemporaneous Art Museum, Vitoria. 
- Madrid Municipal Museum.
- MNCARS –National Reina Sofía Museum Art Centre, Madrid.
- MPH - Patio Herreriano Museum, Valladolid. 
- MACUF- Unión Fenosa Contemporaneous Art Museum, A Coruña. 
- Josep María Civil Collection
- Helga de Alvear Collection  
- Pilar Citoler Collection
- ACB Collection