• Mundos 2, (215020) 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 300 cm.

    Mundos 2, (215020) 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 300 cm.

  • Mundos 1, (215009), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm.

    Mundos 1, (215009), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm.

  • Mundos 12, (215029), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 160 x 120 cm.

    Mundos 12, (215029), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 160 x 120 cm.

  • Mundos 15, (215032), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm.

    Mundos 15, (215032), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm.

  • Mundos 17, (215032), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm.

    Mundos 17, (215032), 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm.

  • Mapas 20, (2014020) 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm.

    Mapas 20, (2014020) 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm.

Broto (Zaragoza, 1949). He is one of the artists that has most asserted the importance of abstraction in contrast to conceptual and figurative art. He believes that the dimensions of the canvas constitute the ideal boundaries for artistic representation. In his works he creates a space capable of endless evocation and suggestion through compositions that are deliberately abstract. Broto does without a large number of elements and instead creates extraordinarily synthetic compositions by superimposing a series of very gestural abstract symbols that are highly metaphorical and suggestive and which float over the surface of each canvas. 
His works feature in museums and important collections and he has received several prizes and distinctions, such as the 1988 Grand Prix du Salon de Montrouge, 1995 National Award for Fine Arts, 1996 Named corresponding member of the Royal Academy of the Noble and Fine Arts of San Luis, 1997 ARCO Award of the Association of Critics, 2003 Zaragoza Gold Medal, 2003 Aragón Goya Award for Etching.


Individual Exhibitions (selection)


“Geologías”. Galería Maior, Palma, Mallorca
“Obra gráfica” Real Academia de BBAA de San Fernando, Madrid

Galería “A del Arte”, Zaragoza
Fundación Belondrade, Valladolid

“Otros Universos” Galería Fernández Braso, Madrid

Galería Xippas, Montevideo
“Mundos”, CCE, Montevideo

“Mundos”, Galeria Maior, Palma de Mallorca
"Color Vivo" Museo Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza.
"Mapas…Mundos" Galería A del Arte, Zaragoza.

"Grandes partituras". Iglesia de Es Roser, Ciudadella.
"Grandes partituras". Sala Capitular, Ibiza.
"Mapas" Galería Gema Llamazares., Gijón.
Galería "La Carbonería", Huesca.

'Grandes Partituras' (Great Scores) Es Baluard Museum, Palma de Mallorca
‘Seres Imaginarios’, (Imaginary Beings) SUMMA Gema Llamazares Gallery, Madrid
‘Secos Arabescos’, (Dry Arabesques) Fernández Braso Gallery, Madrid

‘El Color del hielo’, (The Colour of the Ice) Carles Taché Gallery, Barcelona.
Gallery Astley, Uttersberg

Maior Gallery, Pollença, Mallorca. 

Cristal. (Glass)  Moisés Pérez de Albéniz Gallery. 
Relatos. (Accounts) Soledad Lorenzo Gallery. 

Recent Work. Alfredo Viñas Gallery. Málaga. 
Cristal. (Glass) New Monastery at San Juan de la Peña. 
Fragor de Luz. (Hubbub of Light) Teruel Museum. Teruel and Municipal Museum, Alcañiz 
Obra sobre papel (Works on paper). EstiArt Gallery, Madrid.

Broto. Soledad Lorenzo Gallery, Madrid 
El tiempo y el lugar. (The time and the place) Caixa Galicia Foundation, La Coruña; Art Centre Seville.
Broto. SCQ Gallery, Santiago de Compostela 
José Manuel Broto. Galerie Xippas. Paris
Gallery Astley, Uttesberg
Xippas Gallery, Athens
Imagenes Para un concierto. (Images for a Concert) Presentation in the Sibila magazine. Palacio de BBAA, Mexico D.F.

Maguelone (with Sicily). EstiArt Gallery. Madrid 
Salud (Health – a graphical work). Galerie Franch-Font. Montepellier 
Espacios imaginados, (Imaginary Spaces) El Corte Inglés window displays, Madrid 
L´itineraire de nuit II, images for the piece Sottovoce and Estudio II. Cité Universitaire, Paris. 
El tiempo y el lugar. (The time and the place) La Lonja, Zaragoza. 
Imágenes para un concierto. (Images for a concert) Instituto Cervantes, Paris. 

Principio (Beginning). Soledad Lorenzo Gallery, Madrid 
Moisés Pérez de Albéniz Gallery, Pamplona 
Adora Calvo Gallery, Salamanca 
Maior Gallery, Palma de Mallorca. 
Carles Taché Gallery, Barcelona. 

Collective Exhibitions (selection)

‘Art espanyol Contemporaneous (Spanish Contemporaneous Art) 1960-2011. Sidercal Collection, Casa de Cultura, Pola de Siero.
‘Paraisos naturales: reflejos artificiales’ (Natural paradises, artificial reflections). Juan de Villanueva Pavilion, Royal Botanical Gardens, Madrid
‘Soledad Lorenzo Collection’. MAS, Santander
‘Art dos Puntos’, MACBA (Art Two Points) / Caixa Forum, Barcelona
‘Internationell mötesplats’, Konstmuseum, Eskilstuna.

‘Obras maestras de la pintura de la Collection IVAM. Pasado, presente y futura. (Master Works of Painting, from the IVAM Collection. Past, present and future) IVAM, Valencia.

’27 obres 18 autors’. (27 works, 18 authors) Suñol Foundation, Barcelona.
‘International Art’ Kunsthall, Edsvik.

ARCO 10. Madrid. Maior Gallery
“Desde o informalisme a o multicolor” (From either informalism to multicolor) Caixa Galicia Foundation, Pontevedra.
“L.I.F. (LIBERTAD IGUALDAD FRATERNIDAD – Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood), HuArt Centre of Contemporaneous Art, Pamplona, CAAM, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias
“OPENING A NEW SPACE”, Xippas Gallery, Montevideo (Uruguay)

ARCO 09. Madrid. Soledad Lorenzo Gallery, 
"MODERN STARTS- ARE CONTEMPORANEO EN LA COLECCIÓN CIRCA XX-PILAR CITOLER", (Contemporaneous Art in the 20TH CIRCA Collection) Teatro Principal Hall, Sala Vimcorsa, Córdoba 
“MIRADAS. DESDE EL INFORMALISMO A LO MULTICOLOR” (Looks. From Informalism to the multi-coloured), Caixa Galicia Foundation, A Coruña. 
“L.I.F” (LIBERTAD IGUALDAD FRATERNIDAD – Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood), La Lonja, Zaragoza. Alcala 31 Exhibition Hall, Madrid. HuArt Centre of Contemporaneous Art, Pamplona, CAAM, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias 

1970-2001 SUÑOL COLLECTION. Suñol Foundation, Barcelona. 
Viento del Oeste / Viento del Este. (Wind from the West/Wind from the East) Caja Galicia Collection. Old San Ildefonso School, Mexico DF 
Swedish group show, Graphic Studio Gallery, Dublin. 
Collective. Maior Gallery, Pollensa. 
Obra grafica 01. (Graphic Work 01) Marlborough Gallery, Madrid.
Una nueva Mirada. (A new Look). AENA Contemporaneous Art Collection
Silensis (Silences) Sto. Domingo de Silos monastery. Burgos 
ARCO 08. Madrid. Soledad Lorenzo Gallery

1947-2007. Foundation Maeght, San Paul de Vence. 
Aena Contemporaneous Art Collection. Santa Inés Convent, Seville 
La Movida. (The Movement) Sala Alcalá, Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid 
Art Project Sa Nostra Cultural Centre, Palma de Mallorca 
Ver la pintura. (See painting) Coca-Cola Foundation Collection. Domus Artium. Salamanca
Les esthetiquettes Maison Edmond Rostand, Cambo les Bains 
Art without Borders. Lindesbergs Museum. Lindesberg. 
Conversaciones. (Conversations) Aena, Contemporaneous Art Collection. Badajoz. 
Diálogos con el agua. (Discussions with the water) Deutsche Bank exhibition hall, Madrid. 
Buades Gallery1973-2003. Patio Herreriano Museum, Valladolid.

El efecto Guerrero (The warrior effect). José Guerrero Centre, Granada; Navarra Museum, Pamplona 
Una geografía personal (A personal Geography) Beulas-Sarrate Collection. CDAN Beulas Foundation, Huesca 
Vanguardia y Modernidad en la Colección artística de las Cortes de Aragón (Avant-guarde and Modernity in the Cortes de Aragón artistic collection) Aljafería Palace, Zaragoza 
AENA Contemporaneous Art Collection. Sala VIMCORSA, Córdoba 
Espacios imaginados -más Luz (Imaginary spaces – more light). El Corte Inglés. Madrid 
El palacio Montcada. Génesis de una Colección. (Montcada Palace. Genesis of a Collection) Palacio Montcada, Fraga 
Rolde Collection of Contemporaneous Art. CAI Foundation. Zaragoza 
Sombra y Luz (Shadow and Light). Instituto Cervantes, New York, Rome
Silent Rain. La poética de la pintura y la escultura en el Art reciente español. (The poetics of painting and sculptures in recent Spanish art) ICO Collections. ICO Museum Collection. Madrid 
Obra sobre papel. (Work on paper) Aena Art Collection. Nuevos Ministerios. Madrid 
Tiempos de libertad. Art en España 1975 a 1990 (Times of Freedom. Art in Spain 1975 to 1990). Unicaja Foundation, Málaga 
Spanish Art in the 20th Century in the BBVA collection. IVAM, Valencia. 

La seducción de París: artistas aragoneses Del siglo XX, (The seduction of Paris: artists from Aragon in the 20th century) Ramón Aznar Museum, Zaragoza. 
Tiempos de libertad. Art español de 1975 a 1990(Times of freedom. Spanish art from 1975 to 1990) Caixanova Cultural Centre, Vigo 
Acentos en la Colección Caja Madrid. Pintura española contemporánea. (Accents in the Caja Madrid Collection. Spanish contemporary painting).  Sala de las Alhajas. Madrid 
Aragón Gráfica 14. MGEC, Marbella 
Lenguajes y sentidos (Languages and senses) Caja de Burgos Collection. Pasión Museum, Valladolid 
Sombra y Luz (Shadow and Light) Instituto Cervantes, Berlin, Brussels.
Artist Book International. Galerie Liliane et Michel Durand-Dessert, Paris 
Le souffle à la surface. Museés de Sens, Sens 
Colectiva. Galerie Franch-Font, Montpelier 
La poética de Cuenca (Poetics of Cuenca). La Villa Cultural Centre, Madrid 
Encuentros de gráfica 2005 (2005 Graphic Encounters). Veruela Monastery, Vera de Moncayo 
Fondos de la galeria (Gallery Collection). Rayuela Gallery. Madrid 
AENA Contemporaneous Art Collection. Palacio Episcopal, Málaga; La Regenta Exhibition Centre, Las Palmas de G. Canaria; Rodríguez Acosta Foundation, Granada 
Tiempos de libertad. Art en España de 1975 a 1990 (Times of Freedom. Art in Spain from 1975 to 1990). Caja Vital Kutxa Foundation, Vitoria; Caja España, León 
Señas de identidad. (Distinguishing Marks) Palacio episcopal. Málaga 
Febril La Mirada (Feverish Look) Manuel Ojeda Gallery, Las Palmas 


- Ateneum Museum, Helsinki
- CAAM (Atlantic Centre of Modern Art), Las Palmas de Gran Canarias
- Andalusian Centre of Contemporaneous Art, Seville
- Testimoni de "la Caixa Collection ", Barcelona
- Argentaria Collection, Madrid
- Banco de España Collection, Madrid
- Banco Exterior Collection, Madrid
- Banco Zaragozano Collection, Zaragoza
- Caixa Galicia Collection, A Coruña
- Caixa Nova Collection, Orense
- Comunidad de Madrid Collection, Madrid
- Fundesco Collection, Madrid
- Gitanes Collection, Paris
- PREUSSAG Collection, Hannover
- Senado Español Collection, Madrid
- Tore A. Holm Collection, Stockholm
- Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid
- Cortes de Aragón, Zaragoza
- Diputación Provincial, Zaragoza
- FNAC (Fond National d´Art Contemporain), Paris
- FRAC (Fond Regionaux d´Art Contemporain), Midi-Pyrènèes
- "La Caixa" Foundation, Barcelona
- A. Tàpies Foundation, Barcelona
- AENA Foundation, Madrid
- Friends of Contemporaneous Art Foundation, Madrid
- Banco Hispano Americano Foundation, Madrid
- Caixa Galicia Foundation, A Coruña
- ICO Foundation, Madrid 
- Juan March Foundation, Madrid
- Maeght Foundation, Sant Paul de Vence
- Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Amsterdam
- Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona
- IVAM, Valencia
- MACBA (Contemporaneous Art Museum), Barcelona
- Musée Cantini, Marsella
- Spanish Abstract Art Museum, Cuenca
- Contemporaneous Art Museum, Seville 
- Álava Fine Arts Museum, Vitoria
- Asturias Fine Arts  Museum, Oviedo
- Es Baluard Museum, Palma de Mallorca
- Marugame Hirai Museum of Contemporaneous Spanish Art, Marugame, Japan
- Municipal Museum of Contemporaneous Art, Madrid
- Reina Sofía Nacional Museum Art Centre,, Madrid
- Patio Herreriano Museum, Valladolid
- Provincial de Teruel Museum, Teruel
- Granollers Museum, Granollers
- The Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
- The DOVE Collection, Zurich
- The Kampo Collection, Tokyo
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York